Change In PerspectiveRV Pets

Kona’s APPARENT Cancer

Our sweet girl, Kona, has apparent nerve sheath cancer in her right hind leg. Kona’s apparent cancer started more than three years ago.

Initial Diagnosis

Kona sleeps on her bed inside the RV. She is a 50 pound black dog with white on her face and legs.
Our girl, Kona, napping.

At first, the vets at Banfield said it was not cancer after a biopsy. More than a year later, when it continued to grow, they tested again and told us it was apparent nerve sheath cancer. We were also told it was inoperable; that amputation or chemo were the only options.

Kona is 15 years old as of this month. We do not believe in chemo for our “elder” girls. Feeling sick without knowing why is not something we want to put them through. We didn’t give up on helping her though. Andrew kept researching options for quality of life as this growth has become so large that she cannot go up and down stairs, and a walk around the block is all she can handle.

Apparent Cancer

Kona naps in a pile of leaves.
Napping in the soft leaves.

I use the word apparent in front of all disease descriptions because I want to leave space for healing and change. One definition of apparent is “seeming real or true, but not necessarily so.” – Oxford Languages. I believe in self healing and that we all have the possibility of living with things that seem impossible, and that we have the possibility to heal if we change our beliefs and perceptions.

Kona stands in the yard at Wilder St in Reno. She has a large mass on her right hind leg.
Kona with her “lump” on her back right knee shortly before surgery.

From the beginning, we believed Kona would live a very long time, even with this growth. It’s been more than three years and so that is a fact! According to some vets we met with, dogs do not live much more than a year with this kind of growth, and that amputation is the only possible surgery. She was a bit old, in our opinion, to remove her leg and expect a good quality of life.

Blue Pearl Vet and Hope!

Andrew and Kona are walking on a narrow rocky path between different thorned bushes and cacti.
Andrew and Kona, one year ago, in Saguaro National Park.

We found Blue Pearl here in Reno, NV. Dr. Jeff Maclellan, a surgeon, is willing to do what he called “bulk removal” surgery. Basically, he will remove a large amount of Kona’s apparent cancer growth while leaving her leg, and the apparent cancer intact. This is not a cure, but it will improve her quality of life. Her surgery is tomorrow and we expect her to do well, heal quickly, and be back to walking stairs, and a couple miles a day very soon!

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Lara is the owner and designer of UpcycledByLara on ETSY as well as this blog. She works with previously owned materials/fabrics to create!


  1. So sorry to hear about Kona and sending LOTS of love and healing energy!! The only feedback I have about the site is the white font on yellow background was really hard for these 60 to eyes to read🤪🤪

    1. Hi Jill!! Thank you for reading and the well wishes. Do you recognize that background? It’s Antero Reservoir!! Thanks for the feedback 😊

  2. Sending our best to you guys and Kona. She is a sweetheart and we know how deeply you and Andrew care for her. Keep us posted on how things go.

    1. Thank you, Uncle Jim! ❤️ Kona is home as of this afternoon and resting. The surgeon thinks he may have gotten the entire mass. It was 4 pounds!

  3. Pingback: Kona Update -

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